New Illinois Laws & Legislation (2018)

October 4, 2018

In August, Governor Rauner vetoed legislation that would have applied many workplace anti-discrimination requirements to businesses with only one or more employees. The current law applies these anti-discrimination requirements to businesses with 15 or more employees, which is the same requirement applied federally as well.

A new Illinois law requires the Illinois State Toll Highway Authority to publish detailed information about its contracts over $100,000 before tollway board meetings. This measure was brought forth to promote transparency due to recent questionable contracts awarded to businesses that had ties to Illinois politicians. The new law should provide an even playing field for those companies without special relationships to politicians.

Last month Governor Rauner signed the Industrial Hemp Act into law after near-unanimous support. The Act allows licensed Illinois businesses to cultivate and process industrial hemp. Industrial hemp fibers can be used for products ranging from building materials and textiles to cosmetics and health food. This Act will allow Illinois to compete with its neighbor-states who have similar laws in place. The attorneys at Rock, Fusco & Connelly have special knowledge and experience on compliance issues related to cannabis and cannabinoids.

The Illinois Nursing Mothers in the Workplace Act now requires employers to grant nursing mothers “reasonable” paid breaks in the workplace to nurse a baby or express milk for up to one year following the birth of a child. Further, the Act made it more difficult for employers to meet the exception to the Act, now requiring “undue hardship” as defined by the Illinois Human Rights Act, which is a difficult burden to meet. If you need assistance drafting or reviewing your business’s nursing policy, contact the attorneys at Rock, Fusco & Connelly to ensure you are in compliance with Illinois law.