Governor Pritzker Signs Legislation to Modernize Infrastructure Improvement Process

September 7, 2022

In June, Governor Pritzker signed legislation, allowing for the implementation of design-build project delivery. This is an efficient, alternative method for completing the state’s infrastructure improvements.

Senate Bill 2981 creates the Innovations for Transportation Infrastructure Act, authorizing the Illinois Department of Transportation and the Illinois Tollway Authority to adopt a design-build delivery method on highway construction projects.

Difference in Process

Previously, the Illinois Department of Transportation would design construction plans, then review bids from contractors. Under the new design-build process, a single contractor would handle both the design and construction of the project. This design-build process will significantly improve efficiency. Additionally, any projects that adopt this design-build method would be capped at a combined total of $400 million.

As design-build has become the industry standard, many other states both nationwide and in the Midwest have authorized design-build infrastructure projects. Therefore, this legislation ensures that Illinois stays current on their infrastructure improvement process.

Why is This Important?

The new design-build project delivery is crucial in a state like Illinois. Illinois is the transportation hub of North America and a state rich with infrastructure.

Utilizing this legislation, Illinois will have more tools to make sure it delivers the governor’s historic Rebuild Illinois capital program to the public as efficiently and effectively as possible. Additionally, streamlining the implementation of infrastructure projects will save taxpayer dollars and rebuild roads, bridges, and mass transit systems in a transparent and equitable manner.

Benefits of this Act

Providing IDOT and the Tollway with the authority to use alternative delivery methods like design-build will responsibly expedite construction projects. The goal is to produce more jobs for Illinois workers and reduce construction times for Illinois commuters and businesses. Additionally, the Act requires IDOT and the tollway to ensure full participation for minority and women owned businesses by implementing separate goals for design and construction, bid shopping protections, and requiring independent construction managers for projects over $30 million.

Because of the vast benefits of this legislation, it is supported by various organizations throughout Illinois, including the United States Minority Contractors Association, which provides equal access in the building industry for minority owned firms.

If you have questions or concerns regarding these amendments to the Innovations for Transportation Infrastructure Act or how it may impact your business please contact the qualified attorneys at Rock Fusco & Connelly.